Knowledge Base Articles


Transfer Any BobCAD Library to New Computer (Or Version)


There are 5 BobCAD Libraries: Tool Library; Mill Tool Holder Library; Adapter Library; Thread Library; Material Library. These libraries can be moved from one computer or version of the software to a new computer or new version of the BobCAD software.

This article will show you how to copy the old library and paste it into a new computer or version of the software.

Note: It is recommended that you save a backup of these libraries once you modify them to ensure that you have an existing copy. For instance, in case your computer's hard drive crashes. Once the library is modified, close down the software and copy and paste each library from the technology folder directory below into a backup drive.


BobCAD Library Location: C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V(Version #)\Technology

BobCAD Library File Names:

Tool Library: ToolFile.mtools (& ToolFile.xml if there is one)

Material Library: MaterialDB.xml

Thread Library: TappingTable.xml

Mill Tool Holder Library: HolderFile.mholders

Adapter Library: AdapterFile.adapters


Transfer Libraries to New Computer or Version of BobCAD-CAM:

Note: This works for any BobCAD-CAM product: Standalone BobCAD-CAM; BobCAM for SolidWorks; BobCAM for Rhino


1. CLOSE DOWN BobCAD if it is opened

(Or SolidWorks/Rhino depending on what BobCAD product you have)


2. Open a "File Explorer" on your computer and Navigate to the Technology folder shown from the “BobCAD Library Location” above.


3. Copy any or all the Libraries you want to move to a flashdrive.

Note: Reference the “BobCAD Library File Names” list above to see which files you need to copy.


4. Open a “File Explorer” on the new computer that has your current version (MAKE SURE BobCAD is closed down).


5. Copy and Paste the files into the same “BobCAD Library Location” on the new computer.

Note: Make sure you navigate to the newest Version # if you are bringing them over from an older version of the software.

Note: If you are moving a Tool Library from BobCAD-CAM V32 (Or, BobCAM for SolidWorks V7) and lower, there is no ToolFile.XML file. MAKE SURE to first delete this .XML file from your new BobCAD Technology folder (eg. delete ToolFile.xml from  C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V35\Technology) before you copy and paste ToolFile.mtools. 


6. Reopen the software and you should now see the Libraries updated with your previous Library Data.


If you need further assistance, please contact our support team at (727) 489 – 0003 or [email protected]

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