BobCAD-CAM Posts

BobCAD-CAM Legacy Post Processors

This is an archive of post processors created for BobCAD-CAM V25-V28, and BobCAM for SolidWorks V2-V5. These posts are provided for free AS IS and have not been updated for the current BobCAD posting engine, these posts are using old post variables and do not have the newest post questions and blocks. Because of this some of the newer features of the software may not work, and some of the code output may be incorrect. These posts may be used in the current versions of the software, however, please USE AT YOUR OWN RISK It is the customers' responsibility to test and verify proper output for their machine. BobCAD-CAM is not responsible for any damages that may be caused due to improper code output. Some corrections will likely be needed for these posts to work for your controller.

Posts in this archive are provided AS-IS. Use At Your Own Risk

Access the library of currently supported posts here:

In this repository there are 3 types of files, below is how to install these files into your version of BobCAD:

1. Executable files (.exe)
  • Download and run the .exe file
  • Run through the wizard and select a version to install the post for.
  • If you do not have the versions listed, select any one version from the list, a new folder will be created in the Data folder for the post and machine.
  • Locate the post and machine file that are created. They will be located in your “C:\BobCAD-CAM Data folder” in the version that was selected in the wizard.
  • Move the files that are created in the new version folder, into the version that you want to use the post for
2. Compressed Folder (.zip)
  • Right click on the .zip file and select Extract all…
  • Move all the files into the post folder for your machine type, in the version of BobCAD you want to use the post for: “C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V**\Posts\ [YourMachineType]”
3. Post Processor File (.MillPst / .LathePst / .EDMPST)
  • Move the file into the post folder for your machine type, in the version of BobCAD you want to use the post for: “C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\BobCAD-CAM V**\Posts\ [YourMachineType]